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The development of agricultural machinery manufacturing industry, the President of Uzbekistan deployed like this

Several deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis proposed amendments to the Tax Code.

As MP Rasul Kusherbayev reported, the amendments are being made to support the population, businesses and ensure price stability in the consumer market during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the draft document, from October 15, 2020, to January 1, 2021, the import of sugar, its raw materials and trade in these products will be exempted from value-added tax (VAT).

In addition, by July 1, 2021, the government intends to exempt the import of potatoes, vegetable oil, meat (beef, lamb, chicken and others), animals and poultry, as well as trade in these products, from VAT.

“These procedures will apply not only to the import of products, but also to entrepreneurs who trade in them on the domestic market. Therefore, in subsequent readings, amendments were made to the text of the bill,” Kusherbayev said.

According to the deputy, this should lead to lower prices for vegetable oil, meat and other consumer goods in the markets.

MPs supported the bill. The document will be presented at the next plenary session of the Senate.

Resource: Kun.Uz