AgroExpoUzbekistan / Agrotech Expo

Russian agricultural holding is building a new greenhouse complex in Uzbekistan.
USAID forms partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan

The first batch of Uzbek saffron was exported to Europe

Uzbek exporters are developing a new product – locally produced saffron. The first batch of the spice was sent to Europe on July 29th.

In June BMB Trade Group signed an export contract with Italian partners for a total of 15 million euros.

To ensure the implementation of this agreement, yesterday, the first batch of goods under the BMB Saffron brand was shipped to a European country,

In the future, it is planned to supply high-quality products from saffron grown in Uzbekistan, not only to the ancient continent, but also to the countries of America and Asia.


Resource: “Dunyo” IA