AgroExpoUzbekistan / Agrotech Expo

The President instructed to take measures to increase the efficiency of irrigated land use
Uzbekistan produces 8.38m tonnes of wheat and 2.93m tonnes of cotton – President

A specialized company “Unmanned Technologies” has been established in the holding company Uzbekoziqovqatholding to operate unmanned systems.

According to the press service of the company, a group of specialists from Uzbekistan were trained in the use of unmanned aerial systems “Ptero G1” in Russia.

The delivery of the first unmanned aerial system “Ptero G1” to Uzbekistan is expected in December this year.

The unmanned aerial system “Ptero G1” will be used for measuring agricultural crops, monitoring the state of their development, which will allow timely updating of planning and cartographic materials and eliminate shortcomings in ongoing agrotechnical activities.

In addition, the activities of Unmanned Technologies include topographic work, processing of aerial photography data, solving problems of transport communications, monitoring the state of the water management infrastructure, oil and gas industry, ecology and forestry, construction, industry and energy, as well as creating technologies for collection and processing of spatial data using unmanned equipment and geoinformation systems.

Source: UzDaily